Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Death of the Pigeon

While I was working yesterday, my supervisor tried to show me an imprint on the window of the building - a mark left by a diving pigeon hitting the glass. The bird died of course. When I tried to witness the trace that was left by the bird, I wasn’t able to see anything: It had been cleaned out entirely by a student custodian. My supervisor was trying very hard to describe the scene, vividly, that the bird was diving down toward the building and fearlessly crashing into it. I imagined the moment… There is an old saying: " Human beings die in pursuit of wealth, and birds die in search of food.” Did the pigeon see a delicious meal in the building, craving food, and willing to exchange it for his life? My supervisor described the final moment: a bold bird was lying in a pool of blood in front of the window. This is an accident that was caused by neglect and unawareness. Many things in life are beyond our expectations, many of the accidents invariably intertwined in our life. Many people spend most of their life try to avoid the accidents. Because the uncertainty of walking on the unpredictable paths would bring anxiety for most of us, we tend to walk on the paved roads -the ways that allow us to see the destination. However, for some other people, they like to enjoy the uncertainty and unlimited future, risking their life could be very enjoyable. What is the price they have to pay for those enjoyable moments? Possibly mistakes. The pigeon made a mistake, a mistake without turning back. If you decide to leave the path as the bird, please stay vigilant. Sadly, many people are not so aware of what they have encountered in their life. Even if they make mistakes, they don’t learn lessons. It ends up becoming a tragedy similar to the dead pigeon. The death of the bird could be a lesson for all of us.